Saturday, July 5, 2008

UK Basketball Museum Closed Lexington KY

Ken Hall, and Charlie Pinson Kentucky Sportscaster and Kentucky Insurance at Rupp Arena in Lexington KY

Too few people; Too few Revenues

It was two years ago this very weekend, Fourth of July, that Charlie and I took our then five year old nephew to the UK Basketball museum, located in the same building as Rupp Arena.

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The museum was an excellent adventure. Jacob enjoyed the interactive exhibits; the basketball mannequins, and the fabulous fifties diner exhibit (Brookings Chili). Charlie liked the pictures of "his girl" Ashley Judd, and I got a kick out of the Valerie Still displays. The museum was very well thought out; and the displays sparked nostalgia and pride.

Jake enjoyed Pikeville College cheerleaders before the UK game; but he really wanted to go back to the UK Basketball museum

This past October, six year old Jacob, got to witness his first LIVE University of Kentucky Basketball Game in Rupp Arena. It was a banner day, Billy Gillispie's first UK game, Pikeville College Bears was the opponent, and Uncle Charlie was doing radio broadcasts from Rupp Arena rubbing elbows with the likes of UK legends Kenny Walker and Kyle Macey. Pikeville College had a pep rally before the game, and Jacob especially enjoyed his time with the Pikeville College cheerleaders!

When we got to Rupp, Jacob wanted to go back to the museum...but our time was short. I am so glad we did get in the first visit; and even though Jacob was only five when we made that trip...he still remembers it. He smiles sheepishly and shyly...then blurts out in ten decibels, "Go Big Blue!"

I am truly sorry the museum has closed. Charlie and I have visited several times, including a private party hosted by   Anthem Blue Cross Health Insurance.  Rumors have it than some of the exhibits may be relocated. We sure hope so. To dream of the future; we must reflect on the past.

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The first time I met Valerie Still, she was dribbling a basketball down the hall in our dorm, Blazer Hall. She was the only freshman in the dorm; but was allowed to live with us upperclassman, as Blazer then housed the UK Wildcat Women's Basketball team. (Hey VAL, remember me? The crazy blond sorority girl with the pink and green alligator skirt???) Click for Kentucky Insurance Quotes

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