I cannot believe it, but the daffodils are in full bloom at the federal courthouse here in Pikeville. With all the gloom and doom in Washington, and with our own trials and tribulations sometimes we need a glimmer of spring. Today, it came via FedEX. Yep, my 2009 Kentucky Derby chapeau arrived. It's a large cartwheel style hat, a striped number featuring baby blues, twinkles on metallic gold on a field of natural straw. Whoo-hoo! Surely a sign from above that spring is not far from our door!
Baffert Among my Favorites
While the field for the Kentucky Derby is far from being "firmed up" there are some clear favorites in the Kentucky Derby Future Wager Pool Number 1. Mike Battaglia has Pioneer of the Nile at 12-1 odds. Pioneer of the Nile has posted some impressive winnings, but all on synthetic tracks. What can he do on Churchill's turf? Pioneer of the Nile is being trained by bad boy Bob Baffert. Baffert, that silver haired jean wearing fox, is a perrienal favorite with me.
Battaglia also has Old Fashioned at 10-1 and Friesen Fire at 12-1; both of which are being trained by Larry Jones. I like Larry Jones too; and he seems to be very excited about Old Fashioned. After his elation last year at The Oaks, and the huge trama of losing Eight Belles at last year's Derby my heart is with Jones too.
But as I said in the opening, it's all about the hat. The horses and the players may change, but come Derby Day I am ready. I have "The Hat." Now all I need is "The Dress", "The Shoes" and "The Bag."
Kentucky Insurance Quotes
Joyce Pinson is a Kentucky health insurance agent, with a passion for horse racing. Joyce also enjoys Pikeville College Basketball and Football, and is a huge fan of University of Kentucky athletics. She begrudging follows U of L Cardinal basketball as well, as she always has like Pitino.
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