Belle of Louisville vs Delta Queen
Is Steamboat Racing a Kentucky Sport? I think so. If you chase a little white ball around a cow pasture with holes in's characterized as the grand game of golf. If you walk across a balance beam, like it was a beam in a tobacco barn, we call it gymnastics. If cars are racing at Kentucky Speedway, well they put signs up saying "Welcome Sports Fans." Okay then, steamboatin' is a sport!
Charlie, as a Kentucky sportscaster, tries very hard to take the high road when it comes to being on the air and being a fan. The exception of course being our local college. You cannot be "The Voice of Pikeville College Bears" and not be a fan.
Well, I'm not a sportscaster and every once in the while I am admittedly biased.Ever since I was a little girl, I have loved the grand lady, Delta Queen. To watch her afloat on the Ohio River, is to see a graceful swan sail by with the finesse of a dancer. Her historic architecture and design are breathtaking. And OH! The calliope echoing off the little hills along the river. How uplifting and joyous! I am passionate about the Delta Queen, and have blogged about it on our Kentucky Insurance blog.
Who is the winner?
And so, as the Louisville Belle, the Cincinnati Belle, and the Delta Queen got into position crowds at the wharf, at Louisville Waterworks, and along the race route awaited the historic race. The Belle, having a 22-19 record over the Queen was favored. However, with the life of the Delta Queen in question, surely she was the sentimental favorite.
We in eastern Kentucky, surely appreciate the importance of shipping coal. However, yesterday, a coal barge got in the way and the Louisville Belle made the turn early, presumably for safety reasons. Nevertheless, the Delta Queen prevailed. I know as she sailed back to Cincinnati, with the Golden Antlers proudly displayed...that the folks that cherish her were sadly happy.
This year's race was particularly poignant, as it may be the Delta Queen's last. Congress, in it's infinite wisdom, has failed to give the historic vessel an exemption to continue. The government fears the wooden ship will catch fire and put the passengers and crew in peril. Now I won't tell you what I think about all that, but if you live on a Lexington horse might have some of it on your shoes!
Check out these stories
Kentucky Sports Tradition
Preserve the Kentucky Sports tradition of Steam Boat Racing, a significant event leading up to the Kentucky Derby. I urge you to contact your congressman, representatives and governors get a reprieve for the Delta Queen.
Check out Save the Delta Queen Grassroots Movement
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Joyce Pinson, a Kentucky Insurance agent, makes no apologies for loving the Delta Queen more than the Louisville Belle. But make no mistake, the dueling national historic landmarks are close to her heart. May the two ladies live to race another day!
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